2024 Annual Banquet Performance
On December 5th, 2024, United Needs & Abilities held our Annual Banquet during which we were all treated to the melodic stylings of Heather Grudis, our multi-talented Administrative Assistant. Bravo!
2024 Annual Banquet Slideshow
On December 5th, 2024, United Needs & Abilities held our Annual Banquet at this event we debuted this slideshow (attached to this post) of all the fun events we've had over 2024! Here's to hosting more events in 2025 and bringing even more joy to Maryland's Eastern Shore.
Lionel's Success
Lionel participated in a talent show on February 20th and, guess what? Lionel won first place at Somerset Community Services, Inc. at MAR-VA Theater! We here at UNA couldn't be more proud of your success.
Small clips from United Needs & Abilities' Annual Banquet which was held in December 2023.
Alec Cabacungan on becoming the face of Shriners Hospitals for ChildrenWhile he may have aged out of the Shriners Hospital's services, he will be associated with the hospital forever. Why? Because he's been a spokesperson for them for years. We certainly recognize his charming self, do you?His interview is really heartwarming and illustrates how the experience was a springboard that assisted him with starting his own career in broadcasting. His story serves as proof that, among other things, volunteer position can lead to a fulfilling career. |
Food Delivery ServicesAre you staying safe at home? Or maybe just avoiding crowded stores/restaurants? Are you interested in the various food delivery services, but don't understand how they work? Well, we have put together a presentation to help you navigate some of these services. |
Bobbi Jo Peck on Delmarva LifeUNA's consumer, Bobbi Jo Peck, discusses her book, "Wild Vacation," on Delmarva Life. |
Camp Lazy DaysA slideshow of the campers and counselors who made Camp Lazy Days a wonderful experience in 2017! UNA provide funding every year to this camp, located in Talbot County, that serves children from several counties. Additional funding was provided by UNA this past year to assist with transportation to activities and bringing in children from various counties. |
UN&A visits Annapolis to speak out for helpful legislationUnited Needs & Abilities makes a trip to Annapolis, Maryland in support of legislation to assist those with developmental disabilities. |
Mike Dyer on ABC 47Mike Dyer of United Needs and Abilities talks with ABC 47 (formerly WMDT.) |
Address :
688 E. Main St. Salisbury, MD 21804
E-mail: whitney@UNA1.org
Toll Free Phone : 1-800-776-5694
Local Phone: 410-543-0665
To discuss employment opportunities in Cecil, Talbot, Kent, Dorchester, Worcester, please call: Heather Snell. (EXT. #103)