The word "epilepsy" comes from the Greek word for "seizure."
Epilepsy is a controllable condition caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain resulting in temporary seizures.
It is not a disease!
Epilepsy is actually an umbrella term covering about 20 different types of seizure disorders.
A seizure is a disturbance in the electrical activity of the brain. 25 million Americans (1 in 10) have had, or will have, at least one seizure at some time in their lives.
Seizures may include muscle spasms, mental confusion, a loss of consciousness and/or uncontrolled or aimless body movements. There are two main types of seizures:
-- Tonic-Clonic seizures or “grand mal” (loss of consciousness, stiffening of body, jerking of limbs)
-- Absence seizures or “petit mal” (blank spells, staring, slight twitching)
-- Simple Partial seizures (uncontrolled body movements, brief changes in sensory perceptions)
-- Complex Partial seizures (confusion, loss of awareness, aimless movements)
-- Infantile Spasms (babies have sudden, jerking seizures)
In about 70 percent of cases there is no known cause. But we do know that recurring seizures can be related to:
Most seizure disorders can be controlled partly or completely by:
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