Residential Services
These are designed to provide a variety of support services to adults with disabilities in their living situation. People may be supported in their own homes, with their family, or in a home owned by an agency that provides residential services. Some people live alone and others choose to live with other people to share expenses and/or companionship. These programs foster independent living skills, regardless of developmental level or disability.
individuals living in the community of their choice with support(s) approved in their Person-Centered Plan to enable residing in their own home, apartment, family room, or rental unit with supports established according to their individual needs, abilities, and choices.
Homes owned or rented by UNA, licensed by the developmental disabilities administration choose one of healthcare quality with varying levels of supervision, depending on individual need approved in their Person-Centered Plan.
supervised living for adults who reside in a licensed private home, similar to foster care.
Address :
688 E. Main St. Salisbury, MD 21804
Toll Free Phone : 1-800-776-5694
Local Phone: 410-543-0665
To discuss employment opportunities in Cecil, Talbot, Kent, Dorchester, Worcester, please call: Heather Snell. (EXT. #103)